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Showing posts from January, 2015

Understanding the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) and Managing , Copying Dlls from Global Assembly Cache

Most of you may confuse why there are two GACs available in the machine. C:\WINDOWS\assembly C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\assembly What is GAC GAC is a shared location in your machine that keeps assemblies, Dlls for common sharing purpose. Assume that you are using in your project. so one option is you can place the dll with your project. but assume you are creating another project which is also using the same .net assembly so it is better to have it in a common place which that can be referred. since it is a common framework dll and used separately from your application logic it is good to place in a shared place for easy of maintenance and update process. What is  C:\WINDOWS\assembly Previous CLR s uses this place as its common location for Dlls. previous CRLs includes versions 1.0,1.1,2.0. these CRLs versions are used by before .NET framework 4. .NET Framework 1.0  - CLR v1.0 .NET Framework 1.1  - CLR v1.1 .NET Framework 2.0 ...

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How to open Documents in Office Web Apps in SharePoint apps (Provider Hosted and SharePoint Hosted)

Office web apps are now getting more and more popular with the SharePoint 2013 environment. In native SharePoint environment when you click on a document it will open in a office online (OWA) based on configuration. But it you a writing a SharePoint Hosted app or a Provider Hosted app; you might wonder how to open it in office web apps and what is the URL you are going to use it. You can use JSOM and SharePoint REST services to archive this. Frist you need to send a REST request by mentioning file name. url: AppWebUrlUrl + "/_api/web/GetFileByServerRelativeUrl('server relative file name')" , method: "GET" , contentType: "application/json;odata=verbose" , headers: { "Accept" : "application/json; odata=verbose" } You should carefully give the sever relative file name for this operation. regardless of app type (Provider hosted or a SharePoint Hosted ) file name it coming with app web url Ex: Absolute File Url https://oapp-bfb...

Information Rights Management in Office 365 (IRM SharePoint Online)

  Office 365 recently comes with a IRM feature that you can control the rights of  a document library and a List. Current IRM supports only Restrict permissions on this library on download but this option contains other few options that I will explain later. SharePoint online currently supports below documents types. This may change in new releases. PDF Word, Excel, and PowerPoint (97-2003 versions) The XML Paper Specification (XPS) format  Ref: How to Configure Information Rights Management in Office 365 Step One (Activate Information Rights Management in o365 ) First you need to activate the Rights Management from service settings . Go to Office 365 admin page ( ) Then Service Settings and Select Rights Management Then click on Manage and click activate for enable. Then you will see the acti...