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Showing posts from July, 2013

MVC4 Session @ SL Air Force

I have hosted a MVC4 introduction and basic development session for Sri Lanka Navy (Head Quarters) behalf of Microsoft Sri Lanka. Audience was pretty good and we had  a more than one our questions and answer session Date : 31 Jul 2013 Attendance : 15 Members

Single Reference JavaScript Pattern for SharePoint 2013 App Development and Web Development (SRJ Pattern by Melick)

I have tried many different ways to properly organized JavaScript in my Developments. When I'm developing I have faced following issues. Each and every place we need to include script files IF one place change we need to change all the pages for references Assume we need to update JQuery  version then we need to change all pages which refers scripts. Thus i thought to work on my pattern with the help of JavaScript Loader to overcome this situation. I have used Head.js to dynamically load JavaScript's. There are few other JavaScript loaders such as RequireJS Head.js ControlJS LABjs I have chosen Head.js because of performance and simplicity you can develop this pattern to work with any JavaScript loader. Head.js supports other css declaration and media queries as well. This pattern can be extended support css loading as well. This is very simple pattern. In here you need to only refer one script in a page and It will take care of loading other scripts for you. S...

SharePoint Status Notifications and Pop Ups SharePoint 2013 Apps

First we need to refer following SharePoint related JavaScript and jQuery <script type= "text/javascript" src= "YourLocation/Scripts/jquery-2.0.1.min.js" ></script> <script type= "text/javascript" src= "/_layouts/15/MicrosoftAjax.js" ></script> <script type= "text/javascript" src= "/_layouts/15/sp.runtime.js" ></script> <script type= "text/javascript" src= "/_layouts/15/sp.js" ></script> After That You can <script language= "javascript" type= "text/javascript" > // This will automatically disappear after some time SP.UI.Notify.addNotification( 'Processing...' , false );   // This will remove after you click or removed by a code SP.UI.Notify.addNotification( 'Processing...' , true );   </script> <script language= "javascript" type= "text/javascript" > // Set th...

Step by Step Approach to Create a Visual Studio SharePoint Workflow (Sequential)

First we need to install and Configure Workflow Manger. You can install it using Web Platform Installer You can find complete guide here ( Prabath’s Blog ).   select the options that you need to run the workflow Manual Item Created Item Changed As a sample WF I’m going to get the “ Age” Column in the item and Write it to log and update a column using a message. Since we need to look the Age Column, i added the LookUpSPListItem to the sequence.  In the LookUpSPListItem you need to set properties to currentitem and currentlist as well as valuable you need to retrieve properties (You can change these on right side property window). Then by clicking get properties VS generates a GetDynamicValueProperties action. In there you need to select the variable as the Source and specify properties you need to retrieve.   Then drag and drop a WriteToHistory Action to the sequence. here you can go to properties and specify the message you need to log to his...

SharePoint 2013 Visual Studio is not going deploying and remain same as previous version.

i created a visual studio workflow and first time successfully deployed it to SharePoint server and it worked fine. But after i modified it; it didn't work.So i found visual studio cashes it in a vssphost5.exe process.      end the process and deployed it again. and it worked :)  

Enhanced Community Features @ SharePoint Forum

Error 2 Error occurred in deployment step 'Activate Features': System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowServices.WorkflowSubscriptionStorageEventReceiver.ItemUpdating(SPItemEventProperties properties) 0 0

This error occurred when i try to deploy a visual studio workflow to the SharePoint. By checking the  ULS i got the following error as well Can't find WorkflowServiceProxy or its service application proxy type name is null To overcome this error we need to install and configure  the workflow manager. Reference :

Change the IE Compatibility Mode manually

We can set HTML rendering mode using Meta Tag. < meta http-equiv ="X-UA-Compatible" content ="IE=5" /> This is set compatible mode to IE-5, like wise there are few modes we can set using a meta tag. content="IE=5" - force to render in “Quirks” mode. content="IE=7" - forces to render in IE 7 Strict mode. content="IE=EmulateIE7" - use !DOCTYPE declaration to detect rendering mode content="IE=8" -   forces to render Internet Explorer Standards mode. content="IE=EmulateIE8" - use !DOCTYPE declaration to detect rendering mode content="edge" - use most recent mode Reference We can use  Web Config to alter the page rendering mode < httpProtocol > < customHeaders > < remove name ="X-UA-Compatible" /> < add name ="X-UA-Compatible" value ="IE=edge" /> </ customHeaders > </ httpProtocol >

Configure Power View (Reporting service Features) on existing SharePoint 2013 Farm With BI Features (Small Farm – APP & DB)

Configuration Summary Install SQL Server 2012 SP1 (SQLServer2012SP1-FullSlipstream-ENU-x64) Uninstall Report Services - Native If you have installed it Install Reporting Services – SharePoint & Reporting Services Add-In for SharePoint Product Install Analysis Services In Tabular Mode and Data Tools Install SharePoint Reporting Service Install and Configure Power Pivot for SharePoint Configure Performance Point Services Configure Reporting Services Check SharePoint Power Pivot Integration Install SQL Server 2012 SP1 CTP3 First you need need at least SQL Server 2012 SP1 CTP 3 installed in your farm.  If not you can download and install it from here Better if you can restart the machine after installation. Uninstall Report Services – Native If You have already installed Reporting services Native go to Control Panel and Uninstall SQL Server and remove the Reporting Services – Native Feature. Install Reporting Services – SharePoint & Reporting Services Add-In fo...

Could not load type ‘Microsoft.AnalysisServices.SharePoint.Integration.ReportGalleryView’

I came across this error when i activate the the  PowerPivot Feature Integration for Site Collections in the site collection and accessing the PowerPivot Gallery in the site. So I went to central admin and go to  Mange farm solutions and Deploy the powerpivotwebapplicationsolution.wsp to what ever the web application you want.