Role Based Security Using Form Authentication in ASP.NET , <Location path=’’ > not working and Login page does not have permission for anonymous users
I have created web based application using Form Authentication. I need a section with role privileges and login page should be access by all users. when I specify the authorization in default section my login page loaded with out CSS since those files do not have permissions.
Thus I used following approach and it worked for me.
<authentication mode="Forms" >
<forms name="SomeName" loginUrl="Login.aspx"
slidingExpiration="true" protection="None"
path="/" defaultUrl="Home.aspx" timeout="20" >
<!--Permision for the site-->
<location allowOverride="true">
<deny users ="?" />
<!--Permision for the Login page-->
<location path="Login.aspx">
<allow users ="*" />
<!--permision setting section-->
<location path="Settings">
<deny users ="?" roles="User"/>
Thanks for this post and it really helped.
Happy Coding.