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Showing posts from February, 2012

.NET User Group Session – Introduction to WWF 4.0

This is a WWF 4.0 Introduction session presented by me today afternoon. There were more 70 participant filled with Sithuvil Training room. most of guys asked question in the session as well as after the session. Thank You all who participated. Any questions Let Me know… Introduction To Windows Workflow Foundation 4.0 View more PowerPoint from Melick Baranasooriya

How to set Current User Name to InfoPath Person/Group Picker

This method also use for get User Profile Information such as First Name , Last Name , Office and etc. In generally we can not set a default value to InfoPath Person/Group Picker. On the other hand we can not get Current Username in the InfoPath. (Yeh it is true that we can use userName() function. But this will return the Current User Account ID not the name). So we want to use SharePoint user profile services to do this. First we need to  create a user profile connection. Thus First go to Manage connection and click add connection. Then go to receive data option and SOAP Web service and specify the User Profile Service URL . The URL will be something like ( http://sever/sites/site/_vti_bin/UserProfileService.asmx ). This is depends on your site or site collection. if it is a site collection you can omit /sites/site/ part from your URL. then proceed to next , select UserProfileByName and un select the Automatically load. Now you have created the connection....

Authentication Error in InfoPath Form services in SharePoint 2010

Following errors occurred to me when InfoPath form services trying to access user profile service. my profile connections are stored in a udx file. The following query failed: User Profile (User: domain\user, Form Name: Template, IP: , Connection Target: http://server/sites/capex/DataConnectionsLibrary/userprofile.udcx , Request: http://server/sites/capex/SitePages/Home.aspx , Form ID: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:infopath:list:-AutoGen-2011-02-21T05:15:34:497Z Type: DataAdapterException, Exception Message: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.  Server was unable to process request. ---> Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation. The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.) in here first i looked for cross site reference issue ( here ). but it is not the problem. then i found running Application Pool set to Anonymous Access true. Then i disabled the anonymous access and it worked for me.