Element | CSS Class(es) | Notes |
<body> | v4master | Applies CSS styles in corev4.css to the page. |
Ribbon container | s4-pr | Makes the Ribbon container the full width of the page row. |
s4-ribbonrowhidetitle | Used to show or hide the ribbon title area when the ribbon is opened or closed. | |
ms-cui-ribbon | Defines the main ribbon CSS class. | |
ms-cui-ribbonTopBars | Defines the elements above the ribbon body, from the top of the page up to and including the ribbon tab titles. | |
Site Actions menu | ms-siteactionsmenu | Sets styles for the Site Actions menu as a whole. |
ms-siteactionsmenuinner | Sets styles for the inner Site Actions menu. | |
ms-menu-a | Sets the margin-right property on the top menu. | |
Breadcrumb menu | s4-breadcrumb-menu | Sets styles for the Breadcrumb menu as a whole. |
s4-breadcrumb-anchor | Sets styles on hover over the Breadcrumb menu. | |
Breadcrumb menu header | s4-breadcrumb-top | Sets styles on the Breadcrumb menu top area when the drop-down tree is open. |
s4-breadcrumb-header | Sets styles on the breadcrumb folder icon when the breadcrumb tree drop-down menu is selected. | |
Breadcrumb menu items | s4-breadcrumb | Sets breadcrumb item styles. |
s4-breadcrumbRootNode | Sets styles on the breadcrumb Team Site root tree element. | |
s4-breadcrumbCurrentNode | Sets styles on the breadcrumb Home tree element. | |
Edit tab | ms-qatbutton | Sets styles on the Edit tab. |
Browse tab | ms-cui-tts | Sets styles for the container for the tab title. |
ms-cui-tt | Sets styles for the tab title. | |
ms-browseTab | Sets styles specific to the Browse tab | |
ms-cui-tt-s | Sets styles for a selected tab title. | |
ms-cui-tt-a | Sets styles for the Ribbon tab title anchor (the link element that makes the table title clickable). | |
ms-cui-tt-span | Sets styles for tab title span. | |
Page Tab | ms-cui-tt | Sets styles for the tab title. |
ms-cui-tt-a | Sets styles for the Ribbon tab title anchor (the link element that makes the table title clickable). | |
ms-cui-tt-span | Sets styles for tab title span. | |
User menu | s4-trc-container-menu | Sets styles for the top right corner container menu. |
ms-SPLink | Sets styles applied to a menu item. | |
ms-welcomeMenu | Sets the margin-right property on a drop-down menu item. | |
ms-menu-a | Sets the margin-right property on the top menu. | |
Title row | s4-pr | Makes the Title row the full width of the page row. |
s4-title | Sets styles on page title elements. | |
s4-lp | Sets styles for elements on the left part of the page. | |
s4-titlelogo | Sets margin and alignment on the title logo image. | |
s4-titletext | Sets styles on all text to the right of the page logo graphic. | |
Search area | s4-search | Sets padding values on the Search control in the secondary menu. |
s4-rp | Sets styles for elements on the right part of the page. | |
QuickLaunch menu items | menu-item | Sets styles for the Home button located under the Site logo. |
menu-item-text | Sets styles on the text of the Home button. | |
Recycle Bin link | s4-rcycl | Sets styles specific to the Recycle Bin link element. |
ms-splinkbutton-text | Sets styles on the link element. | |
All Site Content link | s4-specialNavIcon | Sets styles specific to the All Site Content link element. |
ms-splinkbutton-text | Sets styles on the link element. | |
Shared Documents link | ms-WPHeaderTd | Sets styles on the header section in the Web Part. |
ms-standardheader | Sets standard header styles. | |
ms-WPTitle | Sets styles on the Web Part title. | |
Web part menu | ms-WPHeaderTdMenu | Sets styles on the Web Part menu. |
ms-WPHeaderMenuImg | Sets styles on the Web Part menu image. | |
Selection checkbox | ms-WPHeaderTdSelection | Sets styles on the Web Part selection check box. |
ms-WPHeaderTdSelSpan | Sets span styles on the Web Part selection check box. | |
Item selection checkbox | ms-vh-icon | Sets styles on the item selection check-box icon. |
ms-vh2 | Sets the height property. | |
Type option, Name option, Modified option, Modified By option | ms-vh-div | Sets padding-top property. |
s4-ctx | Sets padding, position, and display properties on the drop-down menu. | |
ms-vh2 | Sets the height property. | |
Shared Documents text | ms-vb | Sets styles on the Shared Documents control group text area (bottom of group). |
Add document link | ms-addnew | Sets styles specified to the Add document link. |
Photo image | ms-rte-layoutszone-outer | Rich text editor class that sets the float property on controls of the Team Site Home Web part. |
ms-rte-layoutszone-inner | Rich text editor class that sets styles on content areas of the Team Site Home Web part. | |
ms-rteThemeForeColor-5-5 | Rich text editor class that sets the theme fore-color (to dark blue) on the Getting Started Wiki area. | |
Getting Started area | ms-rte-layoutszone-outer | Rich text editor class that sets the float property on controls of the Team Site Home Web part. |
ms-rte-layoutszone-inner | Rich text editor class that sets styles on content areas of the Team Site Home Web part. | |
ms-rteThemeForeColor-5-5 | Rich text editor class that sets the theme fore-color (to dark blue) on the Getting Started Wiki area. | |
Share this site, Change site theme, Set site icon, Customize QuickLaunch links | ms-rteTable-0, ms-rteTableEvenRow-0, ms-rteTableEvenCol-0, ms-rteTableOddCol-0, ms-rteTableOddRow-0 | Rich text editor classes that set styles on the controls under the Getting Started Wiki area. |
Reference http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms438349.aspx