Element CSS Class(es) Notes <body> v4master Applies CSS styles in corev4.css to the page. Ribbon container s4-pr Makes the Ribbon container the full width of the page row. s4-ribbonrowhidetitle Used to show or hide the ribbon title area when the ribbon is opened or closed. ms-cui-ribbon Defines the main ribbon CSS class. ms-cui-ribbonTopBars Defines the elements above the ribbon body, from the top of the page up to and including the ribbon tab titles. Site Actions menu ms-siteactionsmenu Sets styles for the Site Actions menu as a whole. ms-siteactionsmenuinner Sets styles for the inner Site Actions menu. ms-menu-a Sets the margin-right property on the top menu. Breadcrumb menu s4-breadcrumb-menu Sets styles for the Breadcrumb menu as a whole. s4-breadcrumb-anchor Sets styles on hover over the Breadcrumb menu. Breadcrumb menu header s4-breadcrumb-top Sets styles...