I though to write a continuous article describing best practices in programming. Here I’m not going to talking about coding conventions but talking about enhanced cording techniques you can use.
Using IO, Network connections
InputStream streamRead =null;
try {
// Use InputStream to do your work
} catch (Exception ex) {
// Exception Handling
try {
// Try to close the stream, This may also give erros
// resulting opened stream
} catch (IOException e) {
// Set Stream to null to prevent
// unwanted openings
Not to use methods in loop’s conditions
// This is not optimized
for (int i = 0; i < elements.capacity(); ++i)
// Code Here
// This is optimized,
// elements.capacity() only call in one time
int capacity = elements.capacity();
for (int i = 0; i < capacity; ++i)
// Code Here
Use String Buffer wherever possible.
// This will create two string and
// append it
String str = new String ("My Name is : ");
str += "Mleick";
// This is better
StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer ("My Name is :");
Use Threads to call server calls where ever possible.
This prevents user to feel as hang the system during the network calls. I’ll write a article including asynchronous server calls.