First create a data base using SQL Server. (You can use Visual Studio to create your database) Type your new database name and press ok to continue. Then it will prompt dialog for creating a new database. Then press ok , Now you created a database in your SQL Server. After that go to Visual Studio Command prompt Program Files—> Visual Studio 2008 command prompt and type aspnet_regsql.exe or C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.oxx and run Aspnet_regsql.exe. This command will launch wizard which can use to generate relevant database structure to selected database. Now we have to configure the web.config < connectionStrings > < add name = " ConnectionString " connectionString = " Data Source=TestDB;Initial Catalog=Login;User ID=sa;Password=sapassword " /> </ connectionStrings > < system.web > < roleManager enabled = " true " defaultProvider = " SqlRoleProvider " > <...