In here i tried several methods to do that. All methods give me some out put but not perfect. most of examples gives the out put but also gives ugly scoll bar. I used folloeing coding to set main screen backgroung color with out the scoll bar in component pack 4.5.
public class frmLogin extends MainScreen {
VerticalFieldManager vmain;
public frmLogin()
vmain = new VerticalFieldManager(USE_ALL_HEIGHT |USE_ALL_WIDTH)
protected void paint(net.rim.device.api.ui.Graphics graphics)
graphics.setBackgroundColor(0xe6e7e8); // 0xRRGGBB or Color.Blue
// Add other controlers to vmain
I think you are mis leaded by my heading. In here i'm referring the screen of our own application. I'm not sure below 4.7 SDK's allows that.