whoami - This is used get who is the current user.
hostname – This is used to get name of the machine.
who -Show who is logged into the system.
Date - Show the current date and time
printenv - Print vales o fall environment variables.
env -Print current environment.
su -This command is used to change the shell user.
su - {change the shell to the super user / root}
su - root {change the shell to the super user / root}
su - Saman {change the shell to the super Saman}
id - This is used to print user's information
id {show current user information}
id Saman {show user Saman information}
uname - This used to get machine and operating system information
uname {show operating system}
uname -a {show all info, OS, Kernel version, architecture}
uname -r {show kernel version}
groups - This used to get user belongs group informations
groups { groups of current user}
groups Saman {groups of user Saman}
head - This used to show first n lines of a file
head -10 /etc/passwd
{show first 10 lines of the file passwd in /etc }
tail - This used to show last n lines of a file
tail -10 /etc/passwd
{show last 10 lines of the file passwd in /etc }
wc - This used to get count {word,line,charactor}
wc /etc/passwd
{show line,word,charactor count of the file passwd}
wc -l /etc/passwd
{show line count of passwd file in /etc folder}
wc -c /etc/passwd
{show characor count of passwd file in /etc folder}
wc -w /etc/passwd
{show word count of passwd file in /etc folder}
ps {show active processes}
ps aux {show every all peocesses}
kill - This used to kill (destroy) a process