IoT reference architecture is discussed and evaluated by research bodies. The concept of IoT is surrounded by facilitating inter-communication between diverse heterogeneous objects from different manufacturers and vendors. The basis of IoT communication is classified as thing-to-thing communication, thing-to-human communication, and human-to-thing communication. The reference architectures are broadly categorized as Three-layer models (a), Middleware base models (b), Service-Oriented models (c), and Five-layer models (d). IoT reference architecture (A.-F. Ala, et al. 2015) The application layer or the business layer addresses the human interaction with the IoT ecosystem. Mobile applications or interactive web interfaces belong to this layer to facilitate, human to thing and thing-to-human communication. Five-layer reference model decouples the application layer as application layer and business layer where the business layer address the user interaction and the application layer facili...