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Showing posts from August, 2017

How to use SharePoint Client Object Model to get User Information by User Lookup ID

protected string getUserEmail( int lookupid) { String Useremail = string .Empty;   try { using (ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext(siteUrl)) { Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ListItem userInfo = clientContext.Web.SiteUserInfoList.GetItemById(lookupid); clientContext.Load(userInfo); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); Useremail = userInfo[ "EMail" ].ToString(); }   } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO: // handle the error }   return Useremail; }

The URL is invalid, it may refer to a nonexistent file or folder or refer to a valid file that is not in the current Web in SharePoint 2013

This is common error when you are working with SharePoint. This is can be due to various reasons but most common erros are due to Database issues. 1. Not Enough Space Check your database related to SharePoint including SharePoing Content Database SharePoint Contect Database Logs Temp Database Logs SharePoint Service Databases SharePoint Service Databases Logs SharePoint Service Databases Temp Logs   check these databases have enough space to perform actions.   2.Not sufficient permision Other reson is for not having enough permision to SharePoint Content Datase. YOu can find the related content databases from browsing through the cetral admin. Go to application management and then click on Manage content databases. Then you will find the related content database for the web applicaton. So make sure those databases having db_owner permision fo SharePoint Farm Account.