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Showing posts from September, 2016

Customize PageNotFoundError.aspx

PageNotFoundError.aspx is a SharePoint default Error page which is resides on <SharePointrl>/pages library. http://<SharePoint>/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspx As you can see it is by default using Layout called Error. If you want to edit the exiting page you can simply check out and Edit the page in the browser. If you can want to change the Layout you can change the Page Layout out by editing the page layout. If you are good at PowerShell scripts, you can Update the custom page Url in Site Collection property. $spsite = Get-SPSite “http://<SharePoint>” $spsite.FileNotFoundUrl = “/pages/myerror.aspx“

How to filter SharePoint list Based in Date Time related functions in SharePoint 2013 using REST/ODATA

REST queries are quiet familiar when you are working with SharePoint Apps and SharePoint development. I have found quiet difficult to pass the Date Time parameter to REST and took few minutes to figure that out. There are two ways to end points to access list data. http://<SharePoint Url>/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('Pages')/items? http:// <SharePoint Url>/_vti_bin/listdata.svc And these functions are working only on listdata.svc These are few example of REST queries which uses Created Column as a sample field.   Filter using day () function http:// <SharePoint Url>/_vti_bin/listdata.svc/<listname>?$filter = day(Created) eq 2   Filter using month () function http:// <SharePoint Url>/_vti_bin/listdata.svc/<listname>?$filter = month (Created) eq 2   Filter using year () function http:// <SharePoint Url>/_vti_bin/listdata.svc/<listname>?$filter = year (Created) eq 2   Filter using hour () function http:// <...