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Showing posts from May, 2014

SharePoint 2013 and Office 365 (SharePoint Online) App Provisioning and Installation Options

App deployment is different from app development.  App deployment is depends on how administrator is going to install the app. App deployment can be done in Web Scope Tenant Scope For both deployments we need App Catalogue in functioning. Apps are currently coming from two main sources as From Organization and From SharePoint Store Web Scope installation This is what we generally do. Here we are navigating to desired web (assume  the web is ) and click the setting button and launch Add an app Then you can either browse and install app from office store or organization store. in this approach app is installing as a sub web under current web . and data will be scoped to the particular web we installed. The web site which actually holds app data and functionality is called App Web (sub web) and The web site we installed the app is called as Host Web (current web). For an example assume installing MyApp under myweb. ...

Disable SharePoint Service application's Custom Errors and Enable service debug.

You may encountered with following error in SharePoint applications. You need to enable service debug to see real exception in the application. Sorry, something went wrong The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error.  For more information about the error, either turn on IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from ServiceBehaviorAttribute or from the <serviceDebug> configuration behavior) on the server in order to send the exception information back to the client, or turn on tracing as per the Microsoft .NET Framework SDK documentation and inspect the server trace logs.   If you are in a multi farm environment first you need to find out where your service applications are running. For an example assume that you need to know where reporting service is running. Go to central administration and then go to Services on this server .  Here you can change the Farm machine and can see whether reporting server instance is running. so note down ...

Ghosted vs Unghosted in SharePoint

though these terms are pretty simple most of the people have still confuse with these terms.   SharePoint pages are rendered using physical page template and content from content database.  These pages are not customized . thus SharePoint can offer these pages to every requesting location simply by merging physical file template and  content from content DB . these kind of files are named as Ghosted files.     Users can customize content pages (using SharePoint Designer or Visual studio) that may also change the physical  template file. thus SharePoint can no longer  keep the standard file and customize file in the physical location. thus SharePoint keeps changed template file also in the content database. These files are called as Unghosted Pages .   Reghosting is a concept of revert back to definition .