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Showing posts from December, 2013

SharePoint 2013 - Unexpected response from server. The status code of response is '0'. The status text of response is ''.

I found this strange error when i work with SharePoint JavaScript Object modal (JSOM) . By searching i found that this is due to anonymous permission problem caused by Ajax calls. In my case i put button tag in to my page which is causing this error. I changed the button tag to input tag and it worked perfectly.

Restore Site Collection in SharePoint 2013

I have been difficult situation that i accidently delete a SharePoint site collection and create a site collection in a same URL. As i created a site collection in a same URL i thought  it can not be restored. But there is a power shell command which saved my ass. First you need to run Get-SPDeletedSite command to find out GUID of the deleted site. Now you can take the SiteId of the deleted site. Reference: Then you need to make sure no site is available in the restore path Then execute the following command to restore the site collection. Restore-SPSite –Identity SiteId Reference: