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Showing posts from November, 2013

SharePoint 2013 Maintenance Notification

SharePoint 2013 contains a SPMaintenaceWindow class which can use to give notifications to end users scoped to SharePoint content database. This is a simple PowerShell script you need to execute. Ex:- Enable Notification $maintenanceStartDate = "11/29/2013 08:00:00 AM" # Date when the maintenance will start $maintenanceEndDate = "11/30/2013 02:00:00 PM" # Date when the maintenance will stop $notificationStartDate = "11/28/2013 06:00:00 AM" # Date when the message will start being displayed $notificationEndDate = "11/30/2013 02:00:00 PM" # Date when the message will stop being displayed $maintenanceLink = "" # This link will only appear if the maintenance duration is defined. $maintenanceType = "MaintenancePlanned" # OPTIONS ARE: MaintenancePlanned | MaintenanceWarning $readOnlyDays = 1 # duration days $readOnlyHours = 6 # duration hours. $readOnlyMinutes...

JSOM Practices in SharePoint @ SharePoint Forum

JSOM and java script practices from Melick Baranasooriya

How to Check User permission for the web, list or SharePoint Item in SharePoint JavaScript Object Model

Normally we need to perform tasks such as Does current user is admin on the site Does current user has list edit permissions etc SharePoint provides a method called doesUserHavePermissions to perform that. First of all we need to know how SharePoint defines User roles by assigning permission levels   such as Full Control, Contributor , design and etc. For an example site admin is assigned by Full Control which is a composite of few permission items we called as permission kind. Full Control - You can get all permission kind by Example One Assume that we want to check whether current user is a admin of the site. For that we need to check user has  manageWeb permission kind. ( actually we need to check other permission kinds assign to full control as well but if user has manage web...