SharePoint Delegate control is a mechanism that we can inject a code or control to the SharePoint Master page with out touching any any code in the SharePoint Master page. “ is a container type control which can holds child controls on it “ This is the simplest explanation for the SharePoint delegate controls but this also may confuse to you. So let me further simplify. SharePoint Master Page design in a way that leaving place holders( Not a place holder really but for get an idea ) to some controls (Delegate Controls) that has a machinist to inject. Assume this is our SharePoint Master page. The Red Rectangle (SmallSearchInputBox) is a delegate control. It means the textbox and other functionalities in that search box not written in the master page. Master page just have a place holder with id SmallSearchInputBox and which is going to dynamically replace by search box in the run time. Master Page code is just look like this. There are few delegate controls defined ...