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Showing posts from December, 2011

How to Customize SharePoint List Content Display using Content Query Web Part

Here I'm going to describe how we can use Content Query Web Part to Style SharePoint List. Thus Assume we are having a  SharePoint List Called Projects with Following Fields. As you already knew default look and feel would be like below. Now I'm going to render this list in to format something like below. Step One First you need to define Some names for these place holders ( Yeh., I know this do not make any sense to you. But don’t worry just do the step ). Thus I'm going to define these columns as follows. Title –> MyTitle Logo –> MyLogo Project Summary –> MySummary Project Description –> MyDesc Step Two Now you want to define a XSL Style Sheet using these names. Therefore I'm going to use <table> to layout the list item as below. < xsl:template name ="MyStyle" match ="Row[@Style='MyStyle']" mode ="itemstyle" >   < table border ='1' > < tr > < td ...

How to use SharePoint Feature to Activate and Deactivate Custom SharePoint Master page

Below example only set the Master page Url but not the custom master page URL. thus Layout pages will be same after you deploy the master page.  You can also change the Custom master page URL also. Feature Activation public override void FeatureActivated( SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties) { SPWeb web = properties.Feature.Parent as SPWeb ; string urlMaster; string urlCustom; if ( @"/" .Equals(web.ServerRelativeUrl)) { urlMaster = @"/_catalogs/masterpage/BLLICT.master" ; urlCustom = @"/_catalogs/masterpage/v4.master" ; } else { urlMaster = string .Concat(web.ServerRelativeUrl , @"/_catalogs/masterpage/BLLICT.master" ); urlCustom = string .Concat(web.ServerRelativeUrl , @"/_catalogs/masterpage/v4.master" ); } web.MasterUrl = urlMaster; web.CustomMasterUrl = urlCustom; web.Update(); } Feature Deactivation (Reverse to Original Master) public override void Feat...

How to impersonate SharePoint Programmatically

There are many occurrences that we need to impersonate our SharePoint requests to server. Otherwise SharePoint will use system account or context credentials to perform the task. In my case i want to programmatically approve a workflow task. but then i noticed it is showing modifiedby as   system account so i used following code to change the user credentials to intended user. SPUserToken ApprovingUser = web.GetUserToken(“domain\username”); using ( SPSite site = new SPSite (“Site Url”, ApprovingUser)) { using ( SPWeb wb = site.OpenWeb()) { /* Do Anything You want */ } }

How to Use & Character in SharePoint List Instance’s Field value

There are some special characters which we can use in the XML. thus XML parser will return something like Entity X not defined like errors. this problem comes using ok special characters such as &, > and etc. Following shoes hoe you can use XML special characters inside the Field values in XML or SharePoint list instance creation. < Data > < Rows > < Row > < Field Name = " Value " ><![CDATA[ & ]]></ Field > </ Row > </ Rows > </ Data > you can use any special character inside the CDATA tag.