ls - T his command is use to list files and folders. ls {list current directory} ls /media {list /media files and folders in directory media } ls -l {list permission} ls -a {list all, including hidden files, etc} c p - T his command is use to copy files and folders cp test /home/melick { copy test file to /home/melick folder} cp /root/s.txt . {copy s.txt to current directory (.)} cp -r /root /home/melick {copy entire root folder to melick} mv - T his is used t move and rename files and folders mv test /home/melick { move test file to /home/melick folder} mv /root/s.txt . { move s.txt file in /root to current folder (.)} mv test1 test2 {rename test1 file to test2} rm - This is used t delete files and folders rm /home/Melick/tes t {delete the test file...