All linx users, their passwords and other details are stored in a one file. It is " passwd " file which is in the "etc" folder. { /etc/passwd } If we want to view password file {hm... there are several ways, but for the moment we will use "cat" command}.we will talk about "cat" command later. So in your command prompt {shell,terminal} run below command. cat /etc/passwd This command will give you a file with several rows. One row is for one user. Let have a look on one row. melick:x:1000:1000:melickrajee:/home/melick:/bin/bash So let see what this line says. Following illustrate the format of the one line username:password:Gid:Uid:Fullname:home folder:shell So now we compare those two for further details. melick :x :1000 :1000 :melickrajee :/home/melick :/bin/bash username :password :Gid :Uid :Fullname :home folder :shell melick - Username x(password) - x is not the pass...