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Showing posts from February, 2021

Motion Eye Docker compose File

Docker compose files are comes in handy when considering container orchestration. Below example shows my docker compose files and folder structure. ---- Your Folder (motioneye)   -- etc   -- lib   -- docker-compose.yaml You can run the docker compose file using docker-compose -d , and etc and lib folder will be automatically populated in the initiation. --- Below shows the content of the docker-compose.yaml file. version: '3' services:   nodered:    image: "ccrisan/motioneye:master-amd64"    container_name: motioneye    restart: always    user: root    ports:      - 8765:8765    volumes:      - "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro"      - "./etc:/etc/motioneye"      - "./lib:/var/lib/motioneye"