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Showing posts from 2020

Heimdall dashboard docker compose file

  Docker compose files are comes in handy when considering container orchestration . Below example shows my docker compose files and folder structure. ---- Your Folder (heimdall)   -- config   -- docker-compose.yaml You can run the docker compose file using docker-compose -d , and etc and lib folder will be automatically populated in the initiation. --- Below shows the content of the docker-compose.yaml file. version: "2.1" services: heimdall: image: linuxserver/heimdall:2.2.2-ls102 container_name: heimdall environment: - PUID=1000 - PGID=1000 volumes: - ./config:/config ports: - 9030:80 - 9031:443 restart: unless-stopped

SharePoint 2016 Installation using AutoSPInstaller Online Part 1– Setting up the Environment and Service Accounts

AutoSPInstaller Online is one of a great project that facilitate Automated SharePoint installation including Sharepoint 2010, 2013 and 2016. Auto SP Installer provides a powerful way to deploy and configure a single-server development environment to multiple-server SharePoint farm. Reference: Before doing anything we will set up the environment for SharePoint three server Farm. Will name these servers as SPWFE - Share Point Front End Server SPAPP - Share Point App server SPDB - DB server Please find the reference for SharePoint minimum requirement and practices from For the the medium segregation, we have to create below list of service accounts. Service Accounts for Active Directory Service Account name : spadmin Rights : Local Admin All Servers (DB,WFE,APP) SQL DB Rights: SQL DB Creator and Security Admin Rights Domain Privileges: Service